“The book, endorsed by eminent conservative writers such as Jonah Goldberg, Dennis Prager and Andrew McCarthy, aims at a potential Warren presidency, for the major reason that Warren’s emphasis on her “plans” directed from above takes populism and combines it with authoritarian Statism.”
Senator Elizabeth Warren has been struggling to reignite the spark that propelled her campaign earlier in this election cycle. Senator Bernie Sanders has reclaimed the mantle Champion of the Far-Left which Warren once held for a short time.
As Democratic primary voters prepare to choose between the socialist wing (Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren) and the socialist-lite wing (Pete Buttigieg etc.), it is a good time to consider how far left the center of gravity has moved in the Democratic Party.
Three Part Series at NationalReview.com
January 28, 2020
An investigation into Elizabeth Warren’s disastrous promise to ban hydraulic fracturing via executive order on Day One of her presidency. Adapted from David’s book.
“If you’ve been reading National Review for any length of time, and especially if you caught our special issue on Warren last year, you’re familiar with the broad strokes. But nonetheless it’s shocking to see it all collected and explained in detail in one place. And that’s what National Review Institute board member David Bahnsen achieves in Elizabeth Warren: How Her Presidency Would Destroy the Middle Class and the American Dream. The book is a stark warning to voters: This lady is bad news.”
Perhaps no policy proposal has garnered more excitement among Democratic voters looking toward the 2020 election than Elizabeth Warren’s “wealth tax”—a tax on the actual balance-sheet worth of wealthy Americans, above and beyond the taxes imposed on their incomes. The idea that some Americans do not pay enough taxes, and therefore need to be taxed annually on their wealth itself and not just on the income the wealth produces, has gained popularity in recent years.
Obama-Warren story highlights this major problem facing Democrats in 2020: “The takeaway wasn’t Obama not talking up his former VP. The issue is where the party has positioned itself for the presidential campaign.“
David is cited in this Erik D’Amato piece on how big philanthropy has been taking a beating—and the pain may have just begun. Drawing on conversations with over a dozen experts, He games out how the growing backlash to “philantocracy” may affect a sector that’s suddenly a target.